Novel treatment protocols
Investing boldly across critical challenges.
Novel treatment protocols
The Thrive Precision Health Institute is pioneering accessible diabetes treatment solutions, particularly focusing on novel, cost-effective protocols like Focused Insulin Therapy (FIT). These treatments are designed to be easily implemented and scalable, aiming to revolutionize diabetes care by significantly slowing the disease's progression, especially in underserved communities. Through rigorous scientific validation and global collaboration, the institute's efforts are directed toward democratizing access to advanced diabetes treatments, thus addressing the global pandemic of diabetes with a strategic and compassionate approach.
Information for Grantees
Learn more about how and what wesupport, and guidelines for our programs.
Information for Grantseekers
Find information, support, and otherguidelines for your managing and reporting on grants.

Our Team
Values capture what is most important to an organization. Our values are deeply ingrained principles that embody who we are, what we stand for, and how we work.
Our values represent a core set of beliefs that guide how our organization conducts itself and builds trust-based relationships with partners and grantees. Our values guide our decisions, behaviors, and reflect how we seek to serve our communities and work together to create a more just, verdant, and peaceful world.
We live our mission through the Just Imperative, which charges us to lead with a commitment to justice.