Biomarker Discovery

Unwavering, deep, longstanding engagement.


Biomarker Discovery

The institute is at the technological forefront with its quantum biosensor initiative, facilitating rapid, accurate, and cost-effective detection of biomarkers and pathogens. This research is pivotal in transforming the traditional, centralized laboratory testing model, allowing for decentralized, real-time health monitoring and management. The quantum biosensor represents a breakthrough in precision healthcare, promising a future where personalized medical insights and care are accessible to all, irrespective of geographic or economic constraints.

State of Affairs:

The current state of affairs in laboratory testing, particularly for blood, biomarker, and pathogen assessments, reveals significant challenges that impede effective healthcare delivery and patient safety. Globally, the centralized model of lab testing has become synonymous with high costs, limited accessibility, and notable inefficiencies. Patients with severe health issues often face considerable difficulties in accessing laboratory services, whether due to geographic constraints, physical incapacity, or the sheer inconvenience of traveling to a lab facility. Moreover, the lag between test administration and result delivery can be critically lengthy, delaying diagnoses and the initiation of treatment plans. This inefficiency is compounded by inconsistencies in test accuracy from one lab to another, undermining the reliability of diagnostic data and potentially leading to misdiagnoses or inappropriate treatments.

Financial barriers further exacerbate these issues, as the high costs associated with comprehensive lab testing are often not fully covered by insurance policies, particularly for frequent testing which is essential for managing chronic conditions or monitoring treatment efficacy. This limitation starkly restricts the volume and frequency of data that can be collected, stifling the potential for new medical discoveries and the personalization of patient care. Additionally, the current system places data ownership in the hands of laboratories rather than patients, creating a disconnect that hampers patient autonomy over personal health information. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the critical weaknesses of centralized testing systems; the inability to rapidly and affordably scale testing capabilities contributed significantly to the virus's global spread. Had testing been fast, affordable, and widely accessible, the international community might have been able to mitigate the pandemic's impact more effectively. This scenario highlights the urgent need for a paradigm shift towards more decentralized, efficient, and patient-centric approaches to laboratory testing, underscoring the importance of innovation in overcoming these pervasive challenges.

The centralized systems underpinning today’s laboratory testing and healthcare infrastructure significantly impede the advancement and accessibility of precision healthcare. These systems, characterized by high operational costs, limited scalability, and rigid protocols, create substantial barriers to individualized patient care. The financial and logistical constraints associated with centralized lab testing—notably, the high costs of specialized tests and the delays in processing and delivering results—restrict the routine use of comprehensive genomic, biomarker, and pathogen analysis. This limitation hinders the ability of healthcare providers to tailor treatments to the individual genetic and molecular profiles of their patients. Consequently, the promise of precision healthcare, which relies on the timely and detailed understanding of a patient's unique health status, remains largely unfulfilled. The centralized model's inefficiency and expense thus not only compromise patient outcomes but also slow the broader adoption of personalized medicine practices that could dramatically improve healthcare effectiveness and patient satisfaction.

Overview :

The Thrive Precision Health Institute is at the forefront of a technological revolution with the development of a quantum biosensor, a breakthrough that promises to dismantle the barriers currently preventing widespread access to affordable precision healthcare. This state-of-the-art biosensor technology harnesses quantum energy transfer to detect the presence and concentration of specific biomarkers or pathogens, closely mimicking cellular interactions within the body. Its innovative design features synthetic receptors that, upon binding with a target biomarker, enable highly accurate readings. Remarkably, this biosensor is not only precise but also extremely cost-effective, facilitating frequent, at-home testing without the need for professional medical facilities. By seamlessly integrating with digital clinics, the biosensor allows real-time data transmission and AI-driven analysis, offering personalized healthcare insights and care plan adjustments directly to patients. This leap forward introduces a miniaturized laboratory into the home, drastically reducing the traditional costs and logistical burdens of lab testing, and represents a pivotal shift towards democratized, patient-centered precision health.

This quantum shift in healthcare delivery is underpinned by a global collaborative effort to develop synthetic molecules that can accurately mimic the binding domains for a vast array of biomarkers and pathogens. The Thrive Precision Health Institute is spearheading this initiative, leveraging its Computational AI platform to pioneer the discovery and synthesis of these critical molecules. By uniting researchers, clinicians, and technologists from around the world, the institute aims to harness collective expertise and computational power to rapidly accelerate the development of these synthetic receptors. This collaborative approach not only amplifies the potential for discovery but also embodies the institute’s commitment to fostering innovation through shared knowledge and resources.

The introduction of the quantum biosensor technology by the Thrive Precision Health Institute heralds a new era in healthcare, where precision medicine becomes accessible and affordable for everyone, everywhere. It marks a significant departure from the inefficiencies and high costs associated with centralized laboratory testing, moving towards a future where daily, personalized health monitoring can inform timely interventions and prevent disease progression. As part of its research, the institute will focus on identifying biomarkers indicative of diabetes regression and progression, aiming to intercept the disease in its early stages. This initiative not only has the potential to transform the management of diabetes but also sets a precedent for tackling a wide range of diseases, leveraging global collaboration and cutting-edge technology to usher in a new age of health and wellness.

“Patient Driven Testing decentralizes healthcare and is the core missing component for scaling precision health”.

The quantum biosensor developed by Qanik DX Inc.,  a technology partner with Thrive Precision Health Institute utilizes two distinct matrices to facilitate the precise detection of biomarkers and pathogens, accommodating both blood and saliva samples. For blood-based diagnostics, the sensor employs a multilayer biochip where synthetic receptors are fixed onto the chip's surface. When a finger-prick blood sample is applied to the biochip, these receptors bind specifically to target biomarkers or pathogens present in the blood. This interaction triggers a quantum energy transfer, which the biosensor reads to not only detect the presence of these targets but also quantify their concentration. This method allows for the accurate monitoring of various health indicators and disease markers directly from a small blood sample, making it an invaluable tool for managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, as well as for detecting infectious agents.

For the detection of respiratory viruses, the biosensor adapts to a liquid matrix approach, wherein synthetic receptors are suspended within a saliva-mixed solution. Upon introduction of a saliva sample, these receptors bind to viral particles if present, facilitating the direct detection of viruses at the molecular level. This technology is especially crucial for early-stage disease management, as it enables the identification of viral pathogens before the onset of symptoms or the individual becomes contagious. The quantum biosensor's capability to work with both solid and liquid matrices—blood and saliva, respectively—significantly broadens its application, ensuring comprehensive health monitoring. By providing a platform for early detection and continuous monitoring, the quantum biosensor stands as a cornerstone of precision health, heralding a new era in the proactive management of infectious diseases and personalized healthcare.

Why we support the work:

The Thrive Precision Health Institute's pioneering work with the quantum biosensor represents a significant leap forward in empowering individuals to take control of their healthcare. This innovative approach puts the power of precision medicine in the hands of the patient, enabling them to monitor and manage their health with unparalleled accuracy and convenience. By facilitating access to real-time molecular data, the quantum biosensor allows individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare, tailoring treatments to their unique molecular profile. This level of empowerment and personalization is critical in preventing the looming financial insolvency threatening the western healthcare system, burdened by skyrocketing costs and inefficiencies. The ability for patients to actively engage in their health management has the potential to significantly reduce unnecessary healthcare expenditures, streamline treatment processes, and improve overall health outcomes.

Moreover, the quantum biosensor's affordability and digital connectivity offer a revolutionary solution to the challenges faced by impoverished nations lacking robust healthcare infrastructure. By bypassing traditional healthcare models, these communities can leapfrog directly into a decentralized health system. Here, telemedicine and AI-driven diagnostics provide quality care regardless of geographical barriers, making advanced healthcare accessible to all. This democratization of healthcare not only promises to elevate the standard of care in developing countries but also sets a new global standard for health equity. Thrive Precision Health Institute's commitment to global health collaboration, linking patients with leading experts and real-time data, embodies a visionary approach to healthcare—one that transcends borders and unites humanity in the pursuit of wellness.

In essence, Thrive Precision Health Institute's work with the quantum biosensor is not just an advancement in medical technology; it is a movement towards a more humane, efficient, and equitable global healthcare system. By championing this technology, we support not only the transformation of healthcare delivery in the western world but also the provision of high-quality care to underserved populations globally. This is a testament to our belief that access to personalized, precision healthcare is not a privilege but a right that should be afforded to everyone, everywhere.

What we are doing:

At the heart of Thrive Precision Health Institute's mission lies a multifaceted strategy designed to pioneer the next frontier in healthcare through the development and deployment of a quantum biosensor. This revolutionary approach signifies a paradigm shift in how we detect, monitor, and understand health and disease at the molecular level. To achieve this ambitious vision, Thrive Precision Health Institute is orchestrating a series of interconnected activities that span the spectrum from cutting-edge research and collaboration to the practical application and commercialization of breakthrough technologies. Each step in this journey is carefully crafted to build upon the institute's core strengths in computational AI, synthetic biology, and global health innovation. By leveraging a unique blend of technological prowess, scientific inquiry, and collaborative synergy, Thrive Precision Health Institute aims to not only advance the field of precision health but also to democratize access to life-saving diagnostics worldwide. The following list outlines the key activities and milestones that constitute our strategic roadmap, each designed to bring us closer to realizing a future where personalized healthcare is not just a possibility but a reality for all.

  1. Launching a Research and Discovery Platform: The Thrive Precision Health Institute is initiating a cutting-edge research and discovery platform, leveraging the immense computational power of supercomputers to drive its biochemical and computational AI efforts. This platform provides a collaborative environment for researchers worldwide, offering them access to a suite of advanced tools and resources. Researchers can select from a catalog of listed research projects, adhere to prescribed research methodologies, and securely store their findings in compliance with ISO 13485 standards. This systematic approach ensures that each synthetic receptor developed for biomarker or pathogen detection not only meets the highest scientific standards but also aligns with regulatory requirements, paving the way for FDA approvals and global market readiness.
  2. Grant Program for Synthetic Molecule Development: Among its key initiatives, Thrive Precision Health Institute has established a grant program designed to support the development of synthetic molecules crucial for biomarker and pathogen detection. Researchers, having identified promising biomarkers and pathogens from the institute's curated list, can apply for funding to aid in the synthesis and testing of these molecules. This financial support aims to encourage innovation and expedite the discovery process, facilitating the translation of theoretical research into practical applications that can significantly impact public health.
  3. Global Collaboration and Monitoring: Thrive Precision Health Institute is committed to fostering a spirit of global collaboration, actively monitoring and supporting the network of researchers engaged in its platform. By facilitating communication and sharing of best practices among scientists across different geographies, Thrive Precision Health Institute ensures that the collective research effort benefits from diverse perspectives and expertise. This collaborative approach not only accelerates the pace of discovery but also enhances the quality and applicability of research outcomes in various health contexts.
  4. Licensing and Royalty Model: Upon the successful validation of research findings, Thrive Precision Health Institute adopts a strategic approach to licensing proven research under a royalty model. This approach enables the institute to bring innovative health solutions to market efficiently while rewarding researchers and institutions for their contributions. By establishing equitable partnerships, Thrive ensures that the fruits of research are widely disseminated, maximizing the potential for real-world impact.
  5. Commercialization and Production through Partnerships: The final step in Thrive Precision Health Institute's comprehensive strategy involves the commercialization of validated receptors through strategic partnerships with production entities. By aligning with experienced manufacturers, Thrive Precision Health Institute aims to facilitate the large-scale production of biochips and other diagnostic tools integral to the quantum biosensor system. The ultimate goal is to achieve a critical mass of receptor varieties, establishing the quantum biosensor as a versatile, next-generation mobile testing lab. This innovation promises to transform patient care by enabling precise, real-time health monitoring in any setting—be it at home or in remote locations—thus democratizing access to advanced diagnostic capabilities.

Funding Priorities:

Defining funding priorities for a project as ambitious and multifaceted as the Thrive Precision Health Institute's quantum biosensor initiative requires a strategic, phased approach. Each phase must align with the project's overarching goals: to revolutionize healthcare through precision diagnostics, foster global collaboration, and democratize access to healthcare. Here’s how the funding priorities could be structured to support these objectives:

  1. Research and Development (R&D): The initial funding priority is the R&D of the quantum biosensor technology. This includes the biochemical computational AI platform and the synthesis of synthetic molecules for biomarker and pathogen detection. Significant investment in supercomputing resources, laboratory equipment, and materials is necessary to develop and refine the biosensor technology to ensure it meets regulatory standards and is ready for real-world application.
  2. Collaboration and Grants Program: Establishing a global research network and grants program is crucial for fostering innovation and accelerating the discovery process. Funding should prioritize the setup of an online platform for collaboration, as well as the provision of grants to researchers working on biomarker and pathogen projects. This will encourage a wider participation in the institute's research efforts and facilitate the development of a diverse array of diagnostic receptors.
  3. Regulatory Compliance and Certification: Securing FDA and other regulatory approvals for the biosensor and its applications is a critical step. Funds must be allocated for clinical trials, regulatory consulting, and the documentation required to demonstrate the safety, efficacy, and accuracy of the technology in various use cases.
  4. Global Monitoring and Support: As research progresses, ongoing funding is needed to monitor and support global research activities. This ensures that projects stay aligned with Thrive's objectives and regulatory requirements, and it facilitates the sharing of knowledge and best practices across the network.
  5. Commercialization and Scaling: Once the biosensor technology is validated and approved for use, funding priorities shift towards commercialization and scaling. This includes manufacturing partnerships, marketing, distribution channels, and training programs for healthcare providers. Investments in these areas will ensure that the biosensor reaches the market effectively and can be adopted by healthcare systems worldwide.
  6. Sustainability and Future Innovation: To ensure the long-term impact of the initiative, funding priorities must also include sustainability measures and ongoing innovation. This could involve setting aside resources for future research projects, exploring new applications for the biosensor technology, and continually improving the platform to respond to emerging health challenges.
  7. By structuring funding priorities around these key areas, the Thrive Precision Health Institute can systematically address the challenges and opportunities at each stage of the project, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to achieve the ultimate goal of transforming global healthcare.

How we evaluate success:

  1. For a program as expansive and transformative as the Thrive Precision Health Institute's quantum biosensor initiative, defining and evaluating success requires a comprehensive set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that encompass both the immediate impacts and the long-term outcomes of the project. These KPIs should be aligned with the project's objectives across research and development, collaboration, regulatory approval, commercialization, and global healthcare impact. Here’s a structured way to define and evaluate success:
  2. Research and Development Success:
    • KPI: Number of synthetic receptors successfully developed and tested.
    • Description: Success in this area is measured by the ability to innovate and create a wide array of synthetic receptors for biomarker and pathogen detection, demonstrating the biosensor's versatility and potential for broad application in healthcare.
  3. Collaboration and Network Growth:
    • KPI: Number of regulatory approvals obtained for the biosensor and its applications.
    • Description: Achieving regulatory milestones is crucial, indicating the biosensor's compliance with safety and efficacy standards, and enabling its introduction to the market.
  4. Commercialization and Market Adoption:
    • KPI: Number of commercial partnerships formed and units distributed.
    • Description: Successful commercialization is demonstrated through strategic partnerships for manufacturing and distribution, leading to widespread adoption of the biosensor in clinical settings and homes.
  5. Global Healthcare Impact:
    • KPI: Reduction in diagnostic costs and improvement in healthcare accessibility in underserved regions.
    • Description: The ultimate measure of success is the tangible impact on global healthcare, including making diagnostics more affordable and accessible, leading to better health outcomes worldwide.
  6. Innovation and Continuous Improvement:
    • KPI: Number of new applications and improvements made to the biosensor technology.
    • Description: Ongoing innovation, reflected in the continuous refinement and expansion of the biosensor's capabilities, ensures the project remains at the forefront of healthcare technology.
  7. Patient and Healthcare Provider Satisfaction:
    • KPI: Satisfaction scores from patients and healthcare providers using the biosensor.
    • Description: High satisfaction scores from both patients and healthcare providers indicate that the biosensor meets the needs of its end-users, enhancing patient care and supporting healthcare professionals.

By tracking these KPIs and interpreting them through detailed descriptions, the Thrive Precision Health Institute can systematically assess the progress and impact of its quantum biosensor program. This approach not only facilitates continuous improvement but also ensures that the program remains aligned with its overarching mission to revolutionize healthcare on a global scale.

Our Team

Values capture what is most important to an organization. MacArthur’s core values are deeply ingrained principles that embody who we are, what we stand for, and how we work.

Our values represent a core set of beliefs that guide how our organization conducts itself and builds trust-based relationships with partners and grantees. Our values guide our decisions, behaviors, and reflect how we seek to serve our communities and work together to create a more just, verdant, and peaceful world.

We live our mission through the Just Imperative, which charges us to lead with a commitment to justice.

Dr. Larisa Poryvkina

Head of Development Operations

Jaak Järv

Head of Development Operations

Sergey Babichenko

Vice President
Head of Development Operations

Jonathan Lakey

Head of Development Operations

Guy Zajonc

Secretary and Treasurer
Head of Development Operations

Patrick Smith

Head of Development Operations